Hello everyone and good to see you back on my blog. ツ
Today I'm talking about travelling and the latest news.
I guess everyone has heard about Dubai.
And in my opinion all of us have favorite places in the world. Mine is definitely - no surprise - Dubai ♥ !
o.k., here we go.Let me guess which ones are yours:
Mhhhh, St. Tropez? New York? Paris ? St. Barth? Capetown? Maledives? L.A.? Phuket? Miami?...or ? I'm not pretty sure, but what I have to add : All of them have in common that they are very popular, they are high service oriented and they are beautiful dream places as well.

First of all - everyone knows the fairy tale "Arabian Nights" aka One Thousand And One Nights.

I will never forget how it looked like when I saw for the first time its skyline and the lights. Amazing and impressing!
The service there is everywhere high oriented from head-to-toe, the people are pretty polite. The streets and the buildings are over the top clean, everything is very comfortable.
For every need and every wish there is a solution.
You will feel like a princesse, a queen, a prince or a king in a world which could seem unreal, but it isn't.
I'm so in love with Dubai and I hope to come back quite soon.
Recently I have read that there are plans to build a new hotel which is so freaking exciting to me!
I gonna tell you :
It is the "Dubai Water Discus Underwater Hotel", perched in the water and having a pretty view from every room (I guess 21) outside of the flora and fauna of the water.
Look at the pictures - isn't it beautiful and special?
All I can say is "wooooow".
The last picture shows few favorite places during my last trip to Dubai ♥
All in all, I wish you a great day, afternoon, evening or night.
XOXO, Nadine
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