Beauty .... I'm addicted to cosmetics since I grew up, but most important is still the inner beauty.

To underline this, you can use some tricks, so feel free to take a look around, inspire yourself and don't forget - cometic means so much fun.
Be the painter of the picture you wanna see of yourself.

You know this, don't you ...? One day you love to be the natural looking girl from the next door, one another you prefer to be a sexy vamp with smokey eyes and glossy lips like Angelina Jolie, then you are inspired by the look of the fifties and sixties by Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor applying a black eyeliner and nude lips and when you are going to work, you maybe are wearing a very classy business make-up look aso aso.

Make up is a possibilty to impress who you are or who you wanna be. It's like a mirror. 
If you feeling happy you can underline this by bright colours, if you are feeling sick, use some blush and you are looking fresher, if you feeling bad and you don't wanna show this other people apply a concealer, use a blush and concentrate on a perfect eye make-up aso.

This is the power of make-up and it means so much fun!
Let me add - don't forget to smile. This is the most powerful beauty. It's like a fantastic glow. 

As a professional Make-up Artist I will try to inform you about latest cosmetic news, trends, tricks and tipps. 

You nee some help and my personal help? Feel free to ask me for.

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