Hello everybody and welcome back on my blog.
I'm so sorry, I was so much busy the last days that I couldn't post anything... One question before, what do you associate with the color "white"?
For me - white symbolizes purity, cleanliness, elegance, freshness, zest for life, harmony, spring and sommer.
So have you ever heard about the "Diner en blanc"?

The idea has started in Paris in Sommer of 1988 by Francois Pasquier. He had a private garden party and decided spontaneously in cause of a lack of space to move the whole party to the nearby Bois de Boulogne. An idea and phenomenon was born....

This beautiful event is like a flash mob and until the last day the location is kept secret. Distinguishing feature: white dress from head to toe. (how gorgeous is this?!)
Loaded with picnic baskets, participants flock to the agreed meeting point. Tables and chairs are brought together and transform the streets into a giant open air banquet. Precious or rustic - everyone can enjoy their own menu.
I really love the atmosphere, the candles, the sparklers ... it is absoloutely amazing. It is super-elegant.
This is an event, everyone should do.
next dates in Germany are :

Darmstadt - June 15th
Berlin - June 16th
Düsseldorf - june 30th
Souabe - July 5th
Osnabrück - July 14th
Köln - July 14th
Hamburg - August 11th
Potsdam - August 11th
Pinneberg - August 18th
Next date in Paris : June 14th

So save the date(s) everybody - it's free, it's joy, it's fantastic...! And I love it!
Bisous ,
Nadine xoxo
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