Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Was verbinden wir mit Chanel, genauer gesagt mit Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel? 

Ist es Flair? Ist es Faszination? Bewunderung? Der Gedanke an eine Visionärin und Mode-Ikone? Ein Haus mit langer Tradition und französischem Chic? Das kleine Schwarze akzentuiert mit der klassischen Perlenkette? Feinst verarbeitete Stoffe zu einem edlem Kunstwerk vereint ? Oder bewundernswerte Zeitlosigkeit ...?

Es ist mehr als das. 
Es ist das Lebenswerk einer Avantgardistin, die in ihrem Leben mehr als einmal revolutioniert hat und die Modewelt bis heute geprägt hat. Coco Chanel war bereits zu Lebzeiten eine Legende und ihr Esprit ist bis heute erhalten geblieben.
Chanel ist eine herausragende Persönlichkeit, die bewiesen hat, dass auch wenn man aus einfachsten Verhältnissen stammt, man sehr wohl bedeutsames und grosses erreichen kann. Ihr Talent, ihre Visionen, ihr Fleiss und ihr steter Wille, sowie kluger Geschäftssinn  haben ein Modeimperium geschaffen, welches seiner gleichen sucht. Ihre Werke dienen noch immer als Inspirationsquelle und setzen auch gegenwärtig Standards in der Modewelt.

In einen Armenhaus als Tochter von Albert Chanel und Jeanne Devolle 1883 geboren und seit dem zwölften Lebensjahr mit ihren Schwestern in dem Waisenhaus des Klosters Aubazine gross geworden, erlebte Chanel bereits in den ersten Kindheitsjahren sehr schmerzhafte Erfahrungen - den Tod der Mutter, den Verlust des Vaters und auch ihrer Brüder. Sie sagte über diese Zeit: "Man hat mir alles entrissen, und ich bin tot... Man stirbt nicht nur einmal im Laufe seines Lebens, wissen Sie...." Doch vielleicht gerade diese Zeit scheint Chanels Willen und Persönlichkeit noch weiter gestärkt zu haben.

Ihrem Geschick zum Dank gelangte Chanel mit achtzehn zu ihrer ersten Anstellung als Näherin in einem Geschäft. 1904 lernte sie dann den Pariser Industriellensohn Etienne Balsan kennen, der sie auch als erster in die feine Gesellschaft einführten sollte.

1910 eröffnete sie in Paris ihr erstes Hutatelier. 
Ihre Kopfbedeckungen waren markant und doch minimalistisch, besassen Wiedererkennungswert und erfreuten sich nach kurzer Anlaufzeit immenser Nachfrage, so dass sie dann 1911 mit  Hilfe einer Bürgschaft und einem Kredit durch den britischen Bergwerkbesitzer Arthur "Boy" Capel ihre erste Boutique in der Rue Cambon 21 etablieren konnte. 

1913 folgte eine weitere im Seeort Deauville auf der Rue Gontaut-Biron, der schicksten Strasse des Seebades und ihre ersten Kleidungsstücke im maritimen Stil, Rollkragenpullover, gerade Leinenröcke , jugendliche Blusen, elegante Blazer boten sich ideal für die zwangslosen Urlaubsaktivitäten der Besucher an. Sie veränderte die Silhouette der Frau grundlegend, denn weder Korsett noch Fischbein engten die Frauenkörper unter ihrer Mode ein. Funktional- geradlienig, sportlich-lässig, mit Chic und Stil und doch hochpreisig. Significantes Material für ihre androgynen Schnitte in der bahnbrechenden "Biarritz Kollektion" mit den fliessendem Fall war vor allem  weicher Jersey Stoff - bis dahin untypisch in der Verarbeitung von Damengarderobe.

Chanel erfasste Trends blitzschnell und erkannte blicksicher die körperlichen Vorzüge und Nachteile einer Frau. "Mode ist wie Architektur: Es ist nur eine Frage der Proportion" und so kreiert sie Kleidung in rechter Pass- und Schnittform, um die Vorzüge ihrer Kundinnen zu betonen. Wie sagte Chanel auch: "ein Kleid kann auf dem Bügel noch so schön aussehen, das besagt nichts. Man muss es am Körper sehen, mit der Bewegung, der Arme, der Beine und der Taille." Baroness Eugène de Rothschild äusserte sich wie folgt über Chanel und ihre Künste: "Ich würde nichts kaufen, ohne ihr das vorher zu zeigen. Das Mädchen hat mehr Geschmack als alle anderen zusammen."

1916 beschäftigte sie dann bereits 300 Näherinnen, konnte ihren Kredit bei  Capel begleichen und somit ihre völlige Unabhängigkeit sicherstellen. 
Die Vogue benannte ihre Mode im gleichen Jahr ausserdem zum Inbegriff der Eleganz.  

Schon seit 1913 spielte Chanel ausserdem mit den Gedanken, ihr eigens Parfum zu lancieren . Sie liebte den Duft von Blumen und erklärte ihren Parfümeur Ernest Beaux, dass ihr eine Mischung aus verschiedenen Blumennoten vorschwebte, was ein deutlicher Gegensatz zu den Parfums war, welche gegenwärtig auf dem Markt waren und sich gänzlich auf eine Sorte konzentrierten. Chanel sagte, sie möge nicht nur einen Hauch von Rose oder Maiglöckchen in ihrem Duft. Sie sei Handwerkerin, also wünsche sie sich eine wahre Parfumkomposition. Ausserdem solle es das teuerste Parfum der Welt werden. 
Maurice Dépinoix unterstütze sie laut Berichten bei der Entwicklung des legendären, scharfeckigen kubischen Flakons von Chanel N° 5 , welcher in seiner Form sehr an den Place Vendôme erinnert. Das Parfum aus Rose, Sandelholz, Ylang-Ylang und Jasmin wurde bald als "goldene Flüssigkeit und "Schatz" betitelt und bis heute verkauft sich alle 30 Sekunden ein Flakon Chanel N°5 weltweit. Auch war sie es, die als erste hochwertigen Modeschmuck herstellen liess.
1925 kreierte sie desweiteren erstmals ein Kostüm mit Cardigan Jacke ohne Revers und aus Tweet, welches Ikone der Chanel-Mode werden sollte, gefolgt 1926 von dem "kleinen Schwarzen".
Bis 1936 wuchs Chanels Geschäft erfolgreich weiter, so dass sie dato 4000 Angestellte beschäftigte. 
Den zweiten Welkrieg überstand Chanel in Paris im Hotel Ritz
und siedelte nach Kriegsende zunächst in die Schweiz um, um dann im Februar 1954 erneut ihr Geschäft in der Rue Cambon 31 zu eröffnen.

Wie sagte sie hierüber: "ich wusste früher oder später würde ich in mein Metier zurückkehren ... ich habe nur auf einen günstigen Moment gewartet." 

Ansporn für ihr Comeback gab vor allem der französische Modedesigner Christian Dior, welcher für den Wespentaillen-Stil erneut Korsetts einführte - getragen unter Ballkleidern und Jacken, die er mit voluminösen Tellerröcken kombinierte. Sie empfand diesen Stil als exzessiv und altmodisch und ihr Tatendrang war somit erneut geweckt. Unterstützung fand sie ausserdem in der Texanerin Suzy Parker, welche gefragteste Model ihrer Zeit war und Hélène Lazareff - Gründerin des Magazins Elle.Diese wünschte sich Parker in Chanel auf dem Cover und das Comback war somit in vollem Gange.   

Praktisch solle die neue Kollektion sein und als die Pforten in der Rue Cambom 31 am 5. Februar 1954 geöffnet wurden, waren die Erwartungen bei den Käufern als Journalisten hoch.Vor allem die amerkanischen und englischen Einkäufer gaben sofort Bestellungen auf, da sie den elegant-praktischen Gegenangriff auf den extravaganten New Look begrüssten. Im November des selben Jahres erschien wie angedacht, Suzy Parker auf der Titelseite der französischen Vogue.

In den folgenden zwei Jahrzehnten sollte der Einfluss Chanels beim Jetset ebenso vorherrschend sein, wie bei der berufstätigen Frau. Wohlhabende New Yorkerinnen kopierten Chanels unaufdringliche Eleganz und passten diesem gleichzeitig ihrem geschäftsmässigem Stil an. Chanel Kostüme gehörten bis zur Einführung der Prêt-à-Porter Mode 1978 zur Haut Couture - die Fertigung eines Ensembles bedurfte ca. 150 Stunden Handarbeit. Und obwohl dank der eingearbeiteten Jackentaschen Handtaschen praktischerweise nicht nötig gewesen wären, entwarf sie dann doch die rechteckige, handgesteppte mit Muster in Rautenform 2.55 - benannt nach ihrem Comeback im Februar 1955, versehen mit vergoldeten Ketten und Lederriemen.

Am Sonntag, den 10. Januar 1971 verstarb Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel in in ihrem Zimmer im Hotel Ritz, welche sich zu dem Zeitpunkt mitten in der Vorbereitung ihrer nächsten Frühjahr- / Sommer Kollektion befand. Ihre Mode lebt für immer weiter.

1983 wurde Karl Lagerfeld von dem Hause Chanel zunächst als Berater für die Haute Couture eingestellt; 1984 wurde er dann zu dem Chef-Designer des gesamten Hauses. 
Dieser setzt Ideen Coco Chanels zeitgemäss um und interpretiert diese modern. 
Dadurch konnte sich Chanel erneut fest etablieren, nachdem es nach dem Tode der Modeschöpferin zunächst erst in einen Art "Schneewittchenschlaf" gefallen war und begeistert sowohl junge Frauen als auch gereifte Damen.

Ausserdem ist Karl Lagerfeld Fotograf und Verantwortlicher (in Kooperation mit Carine Roitfeld) der weltweiten Wanderausstellung zum Chanel Bildband "Little Black Jacket", welche sich der 1925 entworfenen Tweed Jacke widmet. Station nach New York, Paris; London, Mailand, Dubai,Berlin, Tokio und weitere ist gegenwärtig Sao Paulo. Fotografiert sind namenhafte Grössen der Modewelt, Schauspieler Hollywoods, internationale Sänger und weitere herausragende Persönlichkeiten - in verschiedensten Interpretationsformen des LBJ's.

Lagerfeld hat somit erneut perfekt die Symbiose von Vergangenheit und Moderne geschaffen.

Auch die aktuelle Resort Kollektion 2014 spiegelt diesen Geist deutlich wieder :
die Farbpalette beinhaltet viele Weiß- und Beigetöne, spielt auf die kolonialistische Vergangenheit Asiens hin und zeigt deutlich viele High-Waist Hosen mit extra breitem Bein, sowie Oversize Shirt mit Taillen Gürtel. 
Ähnlich wie die einstige Biarritz Kollektion ist auch diese wieder praktisch funktional, aus erlesenen und weich fallen Stoffenden und ist zeitgleich eine Hommage an die Modeikone, welche zum Teil in ihrem Interior gerne asiatische Elemente verwendete.

Karl Lagerfeld selbst erklärt die aktuelle Kollektion als ein wenig Chanel Geschichte und ein bisschen Asien.

Die Welt von Chanel vereint Eleganz, Stil, Moderne und doch Zeitlosigkeit strahlt gleichzeitig ein Flair aus, was nur das Haus Chanel erfüllen kann.
So ist es noch bis heute, dass man meinen könnte, jedem Moment  käme Coco Chanel ihre spiegelnde Treppe in der Rue Chambon 31 herunter geschritten.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


In January 2007, Martina Mueller launched her own label CALLISTI and in the very same year, she opened her first store in Vienna. The designer focuses on Prêt-à-porter / Ready to Wear Collections and supplemented her label in 2009  with her first Couture Line, the “Luxury Couture Line”.

In this exclusive interview she gives an insight  into her fashionable world.

When or what was it that awakened the desire in you to start a career as a fashion designer? Could you please describe your own career path in few sentences?
I have arrived enthusiastically on the fashion and design scene after several years. I started creating and sewing at the age of 13 for friends and family. At 19 years old, I presented my first collection successfully in an avant-garde fashion store in the Viennese 1 District.  At 23 years old, at the end of my university studies as a graphic designer, I went to Miami and New York, where I derived the influences for my upcoming collections.

How do you get your inspirations?
My inspirations came from the diversity of the people, the Broadway theaters and the art and architecture. The elegance and simplicity of the architectural landscape, glamorized by mirrored glass and classical lines, with elegant, ornate details is depicted in all my work.
How do you develop your collections? Do you have a vision or a philosophy?
In January 2006, I launched my label CALLISTI and opened up my first store in Vienna. I am the designer, creative director, the heart and the brain behind CALLISTI. I am one of the very rare and lucky people that can say from the bottom of my heart: “I love my job.. I love what I do!” My hobby became my profession and I say “THANK YOU” to the universe and god every day to have had the chance to do so…
Designing fashion… being creative & productive is the best fulfillment I can imagine… this is what makes me feel free… and that I love the most.

How would you prefer to be recognized or seen by others? 
I read this about myself once in a magazine: “Martina Mueller Callisti`s unique sense of aesthetics has already earned her a distinguished place in the fashion business nationwide and everything she produces reflects her exclusive approach to elegance. She has a deep understanding of a woman’s form and shape and there is a huge amount of integrity in her work. The ambition behind CALLISTI is to evolve and develop the distinctive design universe reflecting Ms. Muellers unique style.”

How would you describe your personal fashion style? Any personal favorite designers?
My personal style is chic, stylish, cool, sexy.
Which other labels or designers inspires me most? I adore Lanvin for his feminine, stylish but classy dresses… Rick Owens for his really cool, futuristic, edgy style which  is still kind of sexy… Elie Saab for his amazing and absolutely stunning evening gowns. 

You have lived in Vienna, New York and Miami. Which is your most preferred city and why?
The most inspiring city and the place to be definitely is New York. I go there as often as I can… which is less often than I’d like… this city is something else and totally unique…
The best place to go for some quiet time is Santorini… the most beautiful spot in the world… unique small Greek island where I once found the name for my fashion label CALLISTI.

Thank you to Martina Mueller Callisti.
For more informations, feel free to discover CALLISTI’s homepage :
Images by Wolf Steiner for Martina Mueller Callisti & by Martina Mueller CALLISTI

Sunday, June 2, 2013



Amir, you are born in Tehran, Iran. You moved with you family in 1986 to Dubai and you have travelled the world as an international model. What are your favorite places in the world and why? Has this time influenced you?

I would like to start with a big hello and a special thank to you dear Nadine for giving me the pleasure of being interviewed by your magazine.
Back to your first question, well … whether it was modeling, studying, work or simply holiday trips… I have always loved traveling and it is really hard to pin point few favorite places … through the years I have had a chance to know & get acquainted with people of almost all nationalities. Every city & every person whether good or bad have a little something new which they add to our personal story book to make us more wise ,enlightened and complete.

As an international model for more than a decade you have worked with most prestigious designers and brands in the world. How did you start your Modeling carrier?

I was 17 when offered my first modeling job for a newspaper advert and there after I signed up with very few existing agents in Dubai and my modeling carrier picked up from local fashion shows & TV commercials gradually to international catwalks & big assignments.
I am the first Iranian male model ( both parents being Iranian) who entered the international fashion & catwalk scene back in early 90’s.
Modeling is very tough industry, especially since back in then there was no digital photography & websites for you to reach agencies in 4 corners of the globe within minutes from the comfort of your personal PC and neither MySpace, Facebook & fan pages to get noticed or promote yourself as easy as it is happening  today… and of course we had no Photoshop magic … so to get work & make it as a successful model you had to be the real deal.

How would you describe your personal fashion style? What are your favorites brands and why? Do you have a preferred accessories or which fashion is essential for you?

When it comes to personal fashion style I never blindly follow the crowd or what are season’s trends.
The clothes you wear say a lot about your personality and you want to express yourself in a way that is true about you. As or my favorite brands? … Wow!!! 2 decades of fashion craze & too many to mention.

My favorite accessories would be watches. I have been buying & collecting luxury watches for many years now.

You are an architect, located with your own business company in Dubai, responsible for over 150 diverse projects in the last 14 years like Residential/Commercial & Luxury Villas, Steel Structure Buildings, Warehouses and Interior Decoration for Private Villas, Offices, Hotels & Restaurants.
Dubai is known for its many spectacular construction projects such as skyscrapers, shopping malls, artificial islands and theme parks and for many people in the still the symbol as the modern fairy tale of 1001 nights.
How have you experienced the development in the last 10 -15 years in Dubai? And how do you get your inspiration and ideas for your own business projects / for your client’s needs ?

It has been a design paradise for Architects & interior designers. Driving through the main roads you can see amazing buildings which are each unique if standing alone but since there are too many … well we who live here are used to it.
Since my father was a civil engineer & my sister later on joined us as an interior architect/designer … it was perfect match for a family business. Luckily in Dubai unlike many other cities we have plenty of space as far as designing and ideas are concern. Bigger rooms, bigger houses, bigger roads …. Well bigger & taller everything!
In the past 7 years I have been less involved in architectural part of my company and more in Expansion, Directing & closing the contract deals with clients.

As an architect, what do you think about the world, the palms, the Atlantis, the Burj Al Arab and the Burj Khalifa?

The projects you mentioned are all amazing record breaking landmarks … which are all the superb visionaries of HH sheikh Mohammed Al maktoum who managed to get Dubai’s name on the world map within the space of 15 years. Outstanding architecture made a significant contribution to that development.

How would you describe the lifestyle in Dubai and how you prefer to spend an evening during the weekend? Any special spots in the town? Why people are so are fascinated by Dubai and the UAE?

Over the past 25 plus years I have seen Dubai changing From a peaceful simple & quite town where everyone knew everyone , into a fast moving competitive ,glittering metropolis full of utopias ...so fast growing that its is hard to keep up with name & list of new places ,hotels, clubs & restaurants .
I am one of the well known old timers in Dubai & have done, tried everything  this city had to offer hundred times over so now a days personally I prefer mostly to have a nice relaxing evenings with only those few close to me … but in general Dubai always offers the best of daytime activities and a super nightlife full of beautiful people & places, incase you feel like having more than just a relaxing evening!!!
Any special spots … ? Honestly there are too many to mention.
As you have mentioned … there’s a fascination with this town & especially over the last decade I have seen people from all over the world either move or planning  to somehow make it here if possible.
Although this is a city for many dreams to come through … I must warn you! It is not all 1001 night fairy tales which many imagine it to be. Dubai is a melting pot of 85% expat population which includes educated & non educated business professionals from every country & race …. All here for one purpose and that is to make money. So while visiting or staying for few weeks might feel like a fairy tale … living & making it out here requires hard work & being really good at what you do in order to stay ahead. This is a city designed for winners only and without work people won’t last more than few months in here.   

Dubai is bidding to host the EXPO in 2020 under the theme ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’, for a period of six month, what would attract a lot of visitors. Besides this, where do you see Dubai in the following years or where would you like seen Dubai recognized for in the next years?

Dubai is still a new city & it is going through many fazes of transformation & challenges … today it thrives with the fastest growing population of expatriates!
As for its future? With the foremost infrastructure, oil, world-class constructions, one of world’s biggest sea port, tourism, lowest rate of crime & most importantly the financial benefits for businesses… I think it’ll just get better.

What are your favorite cars or yachts and why? Do you make race ralley’s in the desert?

My favorite car right now is the new Aston martin vanquish 2013 which is absolutely gorgeous inside & outside. When it comes to sport cars I like cars that you can drive them wearing either casual or a tuxedo and still look good I them. Aston, jaguar and Bentley GT would fit the list.
I  have a limited edition sport jag xkr which I drive sometimes during weekends … but with ever increasing traffic & hyper drivers all over town I prefer mostly the back seat comfort & quite of my other car.
As for desert ralleys ? Ha ha … I am not really in to that!! Maybe if I was 18.

You are a Certified International Boxing Instructor ( AIBA- Golden gloves ) Have you won discipline by boxing? What do you like about this sport? any sports besides?

Boxing is in my blood line & part of me .My father Mr. Iraj Dor Tolouee is a former world, Asian ,national boxing champion & founder of sport in U.A.E. I learned boxing from a young age & it has greatly influenced or shaped my character & strong personality in life outside the GYM.

I did competitions many years back but to become a full time fighter … it required certain disciplines, strict life style & full time dedication which back then did not match the lifestyle which naturally came with my modeling ,studding & business carrier, therefore I concentrated more on becoming a good instructor with international qualifications teaching hundreds of students over past years . 
To box does not necessarily mean stepping between the ropes and dodging punches from an angry opponent trying to knock your head off.
Boxing can simply be a means of getting yourself into great shape, learning effective self-defense for personal safety & the world outside the ring ,to release tension and stress ... especially after a long busy day. To develops focus ,balance and concentration. The sport allows you to be aware of your positive qualities and abilities, as well as recognizing your faults, mistakes and shortcomings .
I do enjoy other forms of martial arts, have a brown belt in kempo, love swimming, shooting, golf, tennis.

What means personality for you?

Personality is a sum total of all the different ways in which a person reacts and interacts with others. When I meet someone for the first time within first 10 minutes…it is their personality which determines whether I want to meet this person again or not. It is an assumed role or manner of behavior, Charisma, or qualities that make a us stand out from the crowd.

What goals and dreams you have set for yourself for the future?

Interesting question … you know ,if you would have asked me the same 10 or 15 years ago my answer would have been quite different … more recognition, more success, more money no matter what !!!  But as I went through some of that my priorities began to change. I have grown wiser & now appreciate what’s really important in life. I would say my goals are now set on first health, love, peace & happiness no matter what. As long as I have these in my future … the rest should be fine.

What does ‘beautiful’ mean to you and could you leave us with your own personal quote reflecting how you feel about it?

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. To me, someone with certain features, who's confident, self-assured, pure and kind could be described beautiful. When it comes to people …Beauty is either about the obvious physical attributes that are pleasing or the inner appearance of a person. Their soul, kindness, beliefs, feelings, attitudes, etc.

Thank you dear Amir for taking time for this fantastic interview. It is more than a pleasure for me.

(PS: This interview was taken in June 2013 and I've made this while working as a Co-founder of an e-magazine. All I have written is my work, my preparation for it and it is my fully right to post it.)

Friday, May 24, 2013


The talented singer and songwriter Jay Khan opens his own italian restaurant “Padre E Figlio”in Berlin and therefore enriched the capital of Germany with a culinary insider tip. As the italian name already suggests, it is family-owned by father and son.

Khan was born as the eldest of three children of a Pakiani cuisninier and a Briton. When he was six years old, his parents moved to Germany – Berlin, where he grew up in his childhood. In the age of 16 he started to work with the record company Triple-M as a songwriter, below others for the group Overground. Their album reached platinum status in Germany. The own musical breakthrough for Khan came in 2005, when the music producer Lou Pearlman founded the multinational band US5 . Within the band Khan acted as a singer, also as a producer and again as a songwriter and was jointly responsible for the good chart positions.
Currently, Khan is music label producer (Nexxus Music) and is gaining successfully attention with his new band “Großstadtfreunde”. The band has quite recently won the award for the Newcomer of the Year at the lately conferred EMMAwards. The authentic lyrics are in german, profound and touch the soul while the melodies play into the heart.

Above all Khan proves one thing – what you wish to achieve is possible. In order to make dreams and goals come true, it requires imagination, strong-mindness, heart and soul.
Khan himself says modest and down to earth: “I have worked the last 3 1/2 months every day obsessively – making a small lifelong dream to my family and me come true. Today I open my first restaurant quietly and gently! The official opening will take place in a few weeks. We have already opened and I am delighted to welcome you, to celebrate together the great result. There are some great people involved in this project and every individual has invested a lot of blood, sweat and tears.”

 The restaurant is very tastefully decorated and reveals great attention to details and spreads simultaneously a lot of warmth. The atmosphere is very familiar by the friendly staff and the food is a true culinary delight with its fresh ingredients and thoughtfully chosen dishes. Of course, these are delicious prepared by Khan’s father himself.

Khan expresses his appreciation to the father directly by the following quote, which  has been carefully selected by him and which is to be found at the first page of the restaurant’s menu map – with the following photography :

“The father’s ability is the best teacher of his son.”~ Democritus ~ 
What a beautiful and meaningful gesture from a son to a father. Parents always accompany their children unconditionally through life. Pleasant it is, if children at one point in their lives are able to return this with full of gratitude.
The “Padre e Figlio” in Berlin almost invites to create with friends and family new and beautiful memories in a comfortable atmosphere.  Integrated in the premises is also  a bar, which invites you to linger with excellent drinks. The restaurant is located in the Uhlandstrasse, not far from the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin-Charlottenburg. It is open for its guest everyday from 12:00 pm to 12:00 am.
I wishJay Khan, father and family a lot of success!
Curious about what Khan will surprise us in the future even more.

copyright pictures: Jay Khan / Großstadtfreunde